
PROJECT STATUS: Pre-Production

The Unforgotten has been writen as a short film, and currently we are looking for funding to film. We would be very interested to speak with an experienced producers, especially those with fund raising and feature film experience. Once the short has been made, our plan is to release it into festivals and use it as a proof of concept for a feature film version.

Script, one page, and treatment avilible on request.

Please click here to get in contact.

TAG LINE: Don't wake the dead, words to live by.

LOG LINE: A mother and daughter try to live as normally as they can in a world where the dead don't die.


What if the loss of someone was manifested in physical form, a shadow of their former self, a figure that never leaves. Just like grief, and the pain of losing a loved one. These dead remain harmless as they sleepwalk through the living, until they wake and all hell breaks loose.


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